马克.库班的这个观点可能听起来很极端——但是它所传达的信息是完全正确的! 我们正处于一场革命的旋涡之中——一场由大数据和计算能力引起的革命。
1.神经网络基础(Basics of Neural Networks) ——常用激活函数(Common Activation Functions)
2.卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Networks)
3.循环神经网络(Recurrent Neural Networks)
1)神经元(Neuron) ——就像形成我们大脑基本元素的神经元一样,神经元形成神经网络的基本结构。想象一下,当我们得到新信息时我们该怎么做。当我们获取信息时,我们一般会处理它,然后生成一个输出。类似地,在神经网络的情况下,神经元接收输入,处理它并产生输出,而这个输出被发送到其他神经元用于进一步处理,或者作为最终输出进行输出。
2)权重(Weights) ——当输入进入神经元时,它会乘以一个权重。例如,如果一个神经元有两个输入,则每个输入将具有分配给它的一个关联权重。我们随机初始化权重,并在模型训练过程中更新这些权重。训练后的神经网络对其输入赋予较高的权重,这是它认为与不那么重要的输入相比更为重要的输入。为零的权重则表示特定的特征是微不足道的。
让我们***设输入为a,并且与其相关联的权重为W1,那么在通过节点之后,输入变为a * W1
3)偏差(Bias) ——除了权重之外,另一个被应用于输入的线性分量被称为偏差。它被加到权重与输入相乘的结果中。基本上添加偏差的目的是来改变权重与输入相乘所得结果的范围的。添加偏差后,结果将看起来像a* W1 +偏差。这是输入变换的最终线性分量。
4)激活函数(Activation Function) ——一旦将线性分量应用于输入,将会需要应用一个非线性函数。这通过将激活函数应用于线性组合来完成。激活函数将输入信号转换为输出信号。应用激活函数后的输出看起来像f(a * W1 + b),其中f()就是激活函数。
U =ΣW* X+ b
激活函数被应用于u,即 f(u),并且我们会从神经元接收最终输出,如yk = f(u)。
a)Sigmoid ——最常用的激活函数之一是Sigmoid,它被定义为:
b)ReLU(整流线性单位) ——与Sigmoid函数不同的是,最近的网络更喜欢使用ReLu激活函数来处理隐藏层。该函数定义为:
c) Softmax ——Softmax激活函数通常用于输出层,用于分类问题。它与sigmoid函数是很类似的,唯一的区别就是输出被归一化为总和为1。Sigmoid函数将发挥作用以防我们有一个二进制输出,但是如果我们有一个多类分类问题,softmax函数使为每个类分配值这种操作变得相当简单,而这可以将其解释为概率。
5)神经网络(Neural Network) ——神经网络构成了深度学习的支柱。神经网络的目标是找到一个未知函数的近似值。它由相互联系的神经元形成。这些神经元具有权重和在网络训练期间根据错误来进行更新的偏差。激活函数将非线性变换置于线性组合,而这个线性组合稍后会生成输出。激活的神经元的组合会给出输出值。
6)输入/输出/隐藏层(Input / Output / Hidden Layer) ——正如它们名字所代表的那样,输入层是接收输入那一层,本质上是网络的第一层。而输出层是生成输出的那一层,也可以说是网络的最终层。处理层是网络中的隐藏层。这些隐藏层是对传入数据执行特定任务并将其生成的输出传递到下一层的那些层。输入和输出层是我们可见的,而中间层则是隐藏的。
7)MLP(多层感知器) ——单个神经元将无法执行高度复杂的任务。因此,我们使用堆栈的神经元来生成我们所需要的输出。在最简单的网络中,我们将有一个输入层、一个隐藏层和一个输出层。每个层都有多个神经元,并且每个层中的所有神经元都连接到下一层的所有神经元。这些网络也可以被称为完全连接的网络。
8)正向传播(Forward Propagation) ——正向传播是指输入通过隐藏层到输出层的运动。在正向传播中,信息沿着一个单一方向前进。输入层将输入提供给隐藏层,然后生成输出。这过程中是没有反向运动的。
9)成本函数(Cost Function) ——当我们建立一个网络时,网络试图将输出预测得尽可能靠近实际值。我们使用成本/损失函数来衡量网络的准确性。而成本或损失函数会在发生错误时尝试惩罚网络。
C= 1/m ∑(y–a)^2,
10)梯度下降(Gradient Descent) ——梯度下降是一种最小化成本的优化算法。要直观地想一想,在爬山的时候,你应该会***取小步骤,一步一步走下来,而不是一下子跳下来。因此,我们所做的就是,如果我们从一个点x开始,我们向下移动一点,即Δh,并将我们的位置更新为x-Δh,并且我们继续保持一致,直到达到底部。考虑最低成本点。
11)学习率(Learning Rate) ——学习率被定义为每次迭代中成本函数中最小化的量。简单来说,我们下降到成本函数的最小值的速率是学习率。我们应该非常仔细地选择学习率,因为它不应该是非常大的,以至于最佳解决方案被错过,也不应该非常低,以至于网络需要融合。
12)反向传播(Backpropagation) ——当我们定义神经网络时,我们为我们的节点分配随机权重和偏差值。一旦我们收到单次迭代的输出,我们就可以计算出网络的错误。然后将该错误与成本函数的梯度一起反馈给网络以更新网络的权重。 最后更新这些权重,以便减少后续迭代中的错误。使用成本函数的梯度的权重的更新被称为反向传播。
13)批次(Batches) ——在训练神经网络的同时,不用一次发送整个输入,我们将输入分成几个随机大小相等的块。与整个数据集一次性馈送到网络时建立的模型相比,批量训练数据使得模型更加广义化。
14)周期(Epochs) ——周期被定义为向前和向后传播中所有批次的单次训练迭代。这意味着1个周期是整个输入数据的单次向前和向后传递。
15)丢弃(Dropout) ——Dropout是一种正则化技术,可防止网络过度拟合套。顾名思义,在训练期间,隐藏层中的一定数量的神经元被随机地丢弃。这意味着训练发生在神经网络的不同组合的神经网络的几个架构上。你可以将Dropout视为一种综合技术,然后将多个网络的输出用于产生最终输出。
16)批量归一化(Batch Normalization) ——作为一个概念,批量归一化可以被认为是我们在河流中设定为特定检查点的水坝。这样做是为了确保数据的分发与希望获得的下一层相同。当我们训练神经网络时,权重在梯度下降的每个步骤之后都会改变,这会改变数据的形状如何发送到下一层。
但是下一层预期分布类似于之前所看到的分布。 所以我们在将数据发送到下一层之前明确规范化数据。
17)滤波器(Filters) ——CNN中的滤波器与加权矩阵一样,它与输入图像的一部分相乘以产生一个回旋输出。我们***设有一个大小为28 * 28的图像,我们随机分配一个大小为3 * 3的滤波器,然后与图像不同的3 * 3部分相乘,形成所谓的卷积输出。滤波器尺寸通常小于原始图像尺寸。在成本最小化的反向传播期间,滤波器值被更新为重量值。
参考一下下图,这里filter是一个3 * 3矩阵:
与图像的每个3 * 3部分相乘以形成卷积特征。
18)卷积神经网络(CNN) ——卷积神经网络基本上应用于图像数据。***设我们有一个输入的大小(28 * 28 * 3),如果我们使用正常的神经网络,将有2352(28 * 28 * 3)参数。并且随着图像的大小增加参数的数量变得非常大。我们“卷积”图像以减少参数数量(如上面滤波器定义所示)。当我们将滤波器滑动到输入体积的宽度和高度时,将产生一个二维激活图,给出该滤波器在每个位置的输出。我们将沿深度尺寸堆叠这些激活图,并产生输出量。
19)池化(Pooling) ——通常在卷积层之间定期引入池层。这基本上是为了减少一些参数,并防止过度拟合。最常见的池化类型是使用MAX操作的滤波器尺寸(2,2)的池层。它会做的是,它将占用原始图像的每个4 * 4矩阵的最大值。
20)填充(Padding) ——填充是指在图像之间添加额外的零层,以使输出图像的大小与输入相同。这被称为相同的填充。
21)数据增强(Data Augmentation) ——数据增强是指从给定数据导出的新数据的添加,这可能被证明对预测有益。例如,如果你使光线变亮,可能更容易在较暗的图像中看到猫,或者例如,数字识别中的9可能会稍微倾斜或旋转。在这种情况下,旋转将解决问题并提高我们的模型的准确性。通过旋转或增亮,我们正在提高数据的质量。这被称为数据增强。
22)循环神经元(Recurrent Neuron) ——循环神经元是在T时间内将神经元的输出发送回给它。如果你看图,输出将返回输入t次。展开的神经元看起来像连接在一起的t个不同的神经元。这个神经元的基本优点是它给出了更广义的输出。
23)循环神经网络(RNN) ——循环神经网络特别用于顺序数据,其中先前的输出用于预测下一个输出。在这种情况下,网络中有循环。隐藏神经元内的循环使他们能够存储有关前一个单词的信息一段时间,以便能够预测输出。隐藏层的输出在t时间戳内再次发送到隐藏层。展开的神经元看起来像上图。只有在完成所有的时间戳后,循环神经元的输出才能进入下一层。发送的输出更广泛,以前的信息保留的时间也较长。
24)消失梯度问题(Vanishing Gradient Problem) ——激活函数的梯度非常小的情况下会出现消失梯度问题。在权重乘以这些低梯度时的反向传播过程中,它们往往变得非常小,并且随着网络进一步深入而“消失”。这使得神经网络忘记了长距离依赖。这对循环神经网络来说是一个问题,长期依赖对于网络来说是非常重要的。
25)激增梯度问题(Exploding Gradient Problem) ——这与消失的梯度问题完全相反,激活函数的梯度过大。在反向传播期间,它使特定节点的权重相对于其他节点的权重非常高,这使得它们不重要。这可以通过剪切梯度来轻松解决,使其不超过一定值。
In one of the largest ***lications of neural network to data, Le Cun et al.(1989) h***e implemented a network designed to read zip codes on hand-addressed envelopes. The system uses a preprocessor that locates and segments the individual digits in the zipcode; the network has to identify the digits themselves. It uses a 16×16 array of pixels as input, three hidden layers, and a distributed output encoding with 10 output units for digits 0-9. The hidden layers contained 768,192, and 30 units, respectively. A fully connected network of this size would contain 200,000 weights, and would be impossible to train. Instead, the network was designed with connections intended to act as feature detectors. For example, each unit in the first hidden layer was connected by 25 links to a 5×5 region in the input. Furthermore, the hidden layer was divided into 12 groups of 64 units, each unit used the same set of 25 weights. Hence the hidden layer can detect up to 12 distinct features, each of which can occur anywhere in the input image. Overall, the complete network used only ***60 weights.
【神经网络在数据中的一个最大应用中,Le Cun等人在1989年提出了一种从手写信封读取邮编的网络设计方法。这个系统用一个处理器来定位并划分邮编中的各位数字。网络用来识别各个数字。它使用16像素×16像素的阵列作为输入,包括3个隐层,以及一个分布式输出来译码并与10个代表数字0-9的输出单元相匹配。3个隐层分别包含768个,192个和30个单元。一个完整链接的网络大约有20万的权重,但是不可以再进行学习。因此取而代之的是,网络中设计了一些可以用作特征检测的链接。比如,第一个隐层中的每个单元被通过25个链接连到输入中一个5×5的区域。此外,隐层还被区分成12组每组64单元,每个单元使用同样配置的25个权重。因此隐层一共能够检测12种不同的特征,而且这些特征可能存在于输入图像的任意区域中。总的来说,整个网络只需要用到***60个权重。】
et al.是论文中多作者时表示省略的用法
The network was trained on 7300 examples, and tested on 2000. One interesting property of a network with distributed output encoding is that it can display confusion over the correct answer by setting two or more output units to a high value. After rejecting about 12% of the test set as marginal, using a confusion threshold, the performance on the remaining cases reached 99%, which was deemed adequate for an automated mail-sorting system. The final network has been implemented in custom VLSI, enabling letters to be sorted at high speed.
The neuron
如同生物学上的基本神经元,人工的神经网络也有基本的神经元。每个神经元有特定数量的输入,也会为每个神经元设定权重(weight)。权重是对所输入的资料的重要性的一个指标。然后,神经元会计算出权重合计值(net value),而权重合计值就是将所有输入乘以它们的权重的合计。每个神经元都有它们各自的临界值(threshold),而当权重合计值大于临界值时,神经元会输出1。相反,则输出0。最后,输出会被传送给与该神经元连接的其它神经元继续剩余的计算。
正如上述所写,问题的核心是权重及临界值是该如何设定的呢?世界上有很多不同的训练方式,就如网络类型一样多。但有些比较出名的包括back-propagation, delta rule及Kohonen训练模式。
由于结构体系的不同,训练的规则也不相同,但大部份的规则可以被分为二大类别 - 监管的及非监管的。监管方式的训练规则需要“教师”告诉他们特定的输入应该作出怎样的输出。然后训练规则会调整所有需要的权重值(这是网络中是非常复杂的),而整个过程会重头开始直至数据可以被网络正确的分析出来。监管方式的训练模式包括有back-propagation及delta rule。非监管方式的规则无需教师,因为他们所产生的输出会被进一步评估。
在神经网络中,遵守明确的规则一词是最“模糊不清”的。因为有太多不同种类的网络,由简单的布尔网络(Perceptrons),至复杂的自我调整网络(Kohonen),至热动态性网络模型(Boltzmann machines)!而这些,都遵守一个网络体系结构的标准。
一个网络包括有多个神经元“层”,输入层、隐蔽层及输出层。输入层负责接收输入及分发到隐蔽层(因为用户看不见这些层,所以见做隐蔽层)。这些隐蔽层负责所需的计算及输出结果给输出层,而用户则可以看到最终结果。现在,为免混淆,不会在这里更深入的探讨体系结构这一话题。对于不同神经网络的更多详细资料可以看Generation5 essays
The Function of ANNs
神经网络被设计为与图案一起工作 - 它们可以被分为分类式或联想式。分类式网络可以接受一组数,然后将其分类。例如ONR程序接受一个数字的影象而输出这个数字。或者PPDA32程序接受一个坐标而将它分类成A类或B类(类别是由所提供的训练决定的)。更多实际用途可以看***lications in the Military中的军事雷达,该雷达可以分别出车辆或树。
The Ups and Downs of Neural Networks
神经网络的另一个问题是对某一个问题构建网络所定义的条件不足 - 有太多因素需要考虑:训练的算法、体系结构、每层的神经元个数、有多少层、数据的表现等,还有其它更多因素。因此,随着时间越来越重要,大部份公司不可能负担重复的开发神经网络去有效地解决问题。
NN 神经网络,Neural Network
ANNs 人工神经网络,Artificial Neural Networks
neurons 神经元
synapses 神经键
self-organizing networks 自我调整网络
networks modelling thermodynamic properties 热动态性网络模型
Neural network is a new technology in the field of fashion vocabulary. Many people h***e heard of the word, but few people really understand what it is. The purpose of this paper is to introduce all the basic neural network functions, including its general structure, related terms, types and ***lications.
"Neural network" actually came from biology, and neural networks we refer the correct name should be "Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)". In this article, I will also use the two interchangeable terms.
A real neural network is a few to a few billion cells called neurons (composed of tiny cells in our brains) are composed of, they are different ways to connect and type into the network. Artificial neural network is trying to model this biological system structure and its operation. There is a problem here: we biological neural networks do not know much! Thus, between different types of neural network architecture is very different, we know only the basic structure of neurons.
The neuron
While already recognized in our brain, about 50 to 500 kinds of different neurons, but most of them are based on special cells in the basic neuron. Contains the basic neural synapses, soma, axon and dendrites. Synapses between neurons responsible for the connection, they are not directly physically connected, but they h***e a very ***all gap between to allow electronic signals from one neuron to another neuron. Then the electrical signals to the soma will be an internal electronic signal processing and its processing result will pass axon. The axon of these signals will be distributed to dendrites. Finally, dendrites with these signals and then to the other synapses, and then continue to the next cycle.
As a basic biological neurons, artificial neural networks h***e basic neurons. Each neuron has a specific number of inputs, will be set for each neuron weight (weight). Weight is the importance of the information entered an indicator. Then, neurons calculates the weight of the total value (net value), while the total weight of all the input value is multiplied by the total of their weights. Each neuron has their own threshold (threshold), while the power is greater than the critical value of the total value of weight, the neuron will output 1. On the contrary, the output 0. Finally, the output can be tran***itted to the neuronal connections with other neurons to the remaining calculations.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- As written above, at issue is the critical value of the weight and how to set it? The world has many different training methods, as much as the network type. But some well-known, including back-propagation, delta rule and Kohonen training mode.
Because of different structural systems, training is not the same rules, but most of the rules can be divided into two broad categories - regulatory and non-regulated. Supervising the training rules need to be "teachers" tell them how a particular input to the output should be. Then the training rule to adjust the weight of all the needs of value (this is a very complex network), and the whole process would start again until the correct data can be ***yzed by the network. Regulatory ***roach of the training model includes back-propagation and the delta rule. The rules of non-regulatory ***roach without teachers, because they produce the output will be further evaluated.
In the neural network, comply with the rules clear word is the most "obscure" the. Because there are too many different types of networks, from simple Boolean networks (Perceptrons), to the complex network of self-adjustment (Kohonen), to the thermal dynamic network model (Boltzmann machines)! These h***e to comply with the standards of a network architecture.
A network including multiple neurons, "layer", the input layer, hidden layer and output layer. Input layer to receive input and distribute to the hidden layer (because the user can not see the layers, so do see the hidden layer). The hidden layer is responsible for the necessary calculations and output to the output layer, the user can see the final result. Now, to ***oid confusion, would not be here more in-depth study architecture talking about it. Different neural networks for more detailed information can be read Generation5 essays, including a multiple neural network "layer", the input layer, hidden layer and output layer. Input layer to receive input and distribute to the hidden layer (because the user can not see the layers, so do see the hidden layer). The hidden layer is responsible for the necessary calculations and output to the output layer, the user can see the final result. Now, to ***oid confusion, would not be here more in-depth study architecture talking about it. Different neural networks for more detailed information can be seen Generation5 essays.
Although we discussed the neurons, training and architecture, but we do not know what the actual neural network.
The Function of ANNs
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Neural networks are designed to work with patterns - they can be divided into two categories-type or association type. Category-type network can accept a few, and then classified. For example, ONR program accepts a number of the image and the output figure. Or PPDA32 program accepts a coordinate and to classify it as Class A or B (type of training provided by the decision). More practical use can be seen ***lications in the Military in the military radars, the radar could pick out a vehicle or tree.
Lenovo model to accept a group of numbers and the output of another group. HIR procedures such as acceptance of a 'dirty' image and the output of a learned and the closest it an image. Lenovo model also can be used in complex ***lications such as signature, face, fingerprint recognition.
The Ups and Downs of Neural Networks
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Neural network in this area has many advantages, making it more popular. It is in the type classification / recognition is very good. Neural networks can handle the exception and not the normal input data, which are important for many systems (such as radar and sonar systems). Many neural networks are mimic biological neural networks, that is their mode of operation modeled on the work of the brain. Neural networks also h***e to help the development of neuroscience, it can, like humans, accurate identification of objects and the speed of computers! The future is bright, but now ...
Yes, the neural network are also some bad points. This is usually because of lack of sufficiently powerful hardware. Power derived from the neural network to process information in parallel, that is, a number of data simultaneously. Therefore, to simulate a serial parallel processing machines is very time-consuming.
Another problem with neural networks is a problem in building a network of defined conditions are not - there are too many factors to consider: training algorithms, architecture, number of neurons in each layer, the number of layers, data show, etc. There are other additional factors. Therefore, more and more important over time, most companies can not afford to repeat the development of neural network to effectively solve the problem.
不知道是不是 我随便找的
神经网络的参数( Parameters ),是指神经网络模型内部的配置变量,比如W、b,可以用训练的方式获得
神经网络的超参数( Hyper Parameters) ,是神经网络模型外部的配置参数,比如学习率a、隐藏层数L、隐藏层单元数、激活函数的选择、momentum、mini batch size、regularization parameters等等,这些参数不能从训练中得到, 必须手动设置, 并且影响最后的参数W和b的值 。
训练神经网络的过程,也是系统性调整神经网络超参数的过程;Andrew Ng说:“经常试试不同的超参数,勤于检查结果,看看有没有更好的超参数取值,你将会得到设定超参数的直觉”
neural net
A unique function of memory and information processing necessary for a biological type of computer memory. It includes (a) random organization; (b) the distribution of memory traces through the entire system; (c) the simultaneous participation of any element in many memory traces; (d) no catastrophic failure; (e) implicit or response reinforcement memory; and (f) automatic response (no search and comparison would be needed).
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