
网络设计 1026
本篇文章给大家谈谈计算机网络基础英文版,以及计算机应用基础英文对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。 本文目录一览: 1、计算机网络技术专业介绍英文介绍





My name is Chunyu Wang, age 23 years old, and I graduated from Dalian Vocational Technology College, post-secondary education. Education, science and technology in the Purcell Development Co., Ltd.I h***e been engaged in more than a year of work, software development and testing done.

I Like reading and sports, especially basketball.

Practical work hard, cheerful personality.

I h***e a certain degree of learning ability and communication skills.






因特网(Internet)又称国际计算机互联网,是目前世界上影响最大的国际性计算机网络。其 准确的描述是:因特网是一个网络的网络(a network of network)。它以TCP/IP网络协议将 各种不同类型、不同规模、位于不同地理位置的物理网络联接成一个整体。它也是一个国际 性的通信网络集合体,融合了现代通信技术和现代计算机技术,集各个部门、领域的各种信 息***为一体,从而构成网上用户共享的信息***网。它的出现是世界由工业化走向信息化 的必然和象征

3.电子邮件,简称电邮,翻译自英文的E-mail(即Electronic mail),是指通过电子通讯系统进行书写、发送和接收的信件。今天使用的最多的通讯系统是互联网,同时电子邮件也是互联网上最受欢迎且最常用到的功能之一。






***TP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):***TP主要负责底层的邮件系统如何将邮件从一台机器传至另外一台机器。

POP(Post Office Protocol):目前的版本为POP3,POP3是把邮件从电子邮箱中传输到本地计算机的协议。

IMAP(Internet Message Access Protocol):目前的版本为IMAP4,是POP3的一种替代协议,提供了邮件检索和邮件处理的新功能,这样用户可以完全不必下载邮件正文就可以看到邮件的标题摘要,从邮件客户端软件就可以对服务器上的邮件和文件夹目录等进行操作。IMAP协议增强了电子邮件的灵活性,同时也减少了垃圾邮件对本地系统的直接危害,同时相对节省了用户察看电子邮件的时间。除此之外,IMAP协议可以记忆用户在脱机状态下对邮件的操作(例如移动邮件,删除邮件等)在下一次打开网络连接的时候会自动执行。


4.在TCP/IP网络中,客户机可通过文件传输协议(File Transport Protocol)下载或加载文件服务器上的文件,以实现***共享,FTP Server 已成为互联网上的一种重要***。

来自 详文参考:

5.ISP( Internet Server Provider,Internet服务提供商)就是为用户提供Internet接人和(或)Internet信息服务的公司和机构。前者又称为IAP(Internet Access Provider, Internet 接人提供商),后者又称为ICP(Internet Content Provider,Internet内容提供商)。由于接驳国际互联网需要租用国际信道,其成本对于一般用户是无法承担的。 Internet接入提供商作为提供接驳服务的中介,需投人大量资金建立中转站,租用国际信道和大量的当地电话线,购置一系列计算机设备,通过集中使用,分散压力的方式,向本地用户提供接驳服务。从某种意义上讲,IAP是全世界数以亿计用户通往Internet 的必经之路。Internet内容提供商在Internet上发布综合的或专门的信息,并通过收取广告费和用户注册使用费来获得盈利。

6.远程登录(Remote-login)是Internet提供的最基本的信息服务之一,远程登录是在网络通讯协议Telnet的支持下使本地计 算机暂时成为远程计算机仿真终端的过程。在远程计算机上登录,必须事先成为该计算机系统的合法用户并拥有相应的帐 号和口令。登录时要给出远程计算机的域名或IP地址,并按照系统提示,输入用户名及口令。登录成功后,用户便可以实 时使用该系统对外开放的功能和***,例如:共享它的软硬件***和数据库,使用其提供的Internet的信息服务,如: E-mail、FTP、Archie 、Gopher、WWW 、WAIS等等。

Telnet是一个强有力的***共享工具。许多大学图书馆都通过Telnet对外提供联机检索服务,一些***部门、研究机构也 将它们的数据库对外开放,使用户通过Telnet进行查询。


IT based web design and manufacture of Internet architecture, network equipment integrated network cabling network security network management





作者:IT英语 来源:学赛网 2008年3月13日 发表评论 进入社区

Local area data networks,normally referred to simply as local area networks or LANs,are used to interconnect distributed communities of computer-based DTEs located within a single building or localized group of buildings.For example,a LAN may be used to interconnect workstations distributed around offices within a single building or a group of buildings such as a university campus.Alternatively,it may be used to interconnect computer-based equipment distributed around a factory or hospital complex[1].Since all the equipment is located within a single establishment,however,LANs are normally installed and maintained by the organization.Hence they are also referred to as private data networks.

The main difference between a communication path established using a LAN and a connection made through a public data network is that a LAN normally offers much higher data tran***ission rates because of the relatively short physical separations involved[2].In the context of the ISO Reference Model for OSI,however,this difference manifests itself only at the lower network dependent layers.In many instances the higher protocol layers in the reference model are the same for both types of network.

Before describing the structure and operation of the different types of LAN,it is perhaps helpful to first identify some of the selection issues that must be considered.A summary of some of the these issues is given in Fig. 14-5.It should be stressed that this is only a summary;there are also many possible links between the tips of the branches associated with the figure[3].


Most wide area networks,such as the PSTN,use a mesh(sometimes referred to as a network)topology.With LANs,however,the limited physical separation of the subscriber DTEs allows simpler topologies to be used.The four topologies in common use are star,bus,ring and hub.

The most widespread topology for LANs designed to function as data communication subnetworks for the interconnection of local computer-based equipment is the hub topology, which is a variation of the bus and ring[4].This is shown in Fig. 14-6,sometimes it is called hub/tree topology.

2.Tran***ission media

Twisted pair,coaxial cable and optical fiber are the three main types of tran***ission medium used for LANs.

3.Medium access control methods

Two techniques h***e been adopted for use of the medium access control in the LANs.They are carrier-sense-multiple-access with collision detection(C***A/CD),for bus network topologies,and control token,for use with either bus or ring networks[5].

C***A / CD is used to control multiple-access networks.Each on the network“listens” before attempting to send a message,waiting for the“traffic”to clear[6].If two stations try to send their messages at exactly the same time,a“collision”is detected,an both stations are required to“step back”and try later.

Control token is another way of controlling access to a shared tran***ission medium that is by the use of a control(pertnission)token.This token is passed from one DTE to another according to a defined set of rules understood and adhered to by all DTEs connected to the medium.A DTE may only tran***it a frame when it is in possession of the token and,after it has tran***ined the frame,it passes the token on to allow another DTE to access the tranamission medium.


[1] computer-based是指由计算机控制的,或装有微处理器的。

[2] that引出表语从句。

[3] 是指局域网的问题之间有很多联系,如总线拓扑结构可以***用双绞线、同轴电缆和光纤这些传输媒体等。

[4] 很少文献资料提出“集线”拓扑,一般都归并为星形拓扑之列。

[5] C***A / CD访问控制方式,由于集线器和双绞线的使用,它也用于星形拓扑结构;令牌控制方式用于总线拓扑结构时指令牌总线网(token bus network)。

[6] traffic:通信量,话务量,clear在通信中为“清0”,拆线,此处指网上通信量为0。


Local Area Network(LAN) 局域网

private data network 专用数据网

topology 拓扑

Public Switched Telephone Network(PSTN) 公用电话交换网

hub 集线器

tran***ission media 传输媒体

Shielded Twisted Pair(STP) 屏蔽双绞线

Unshielded Twisted pair(UTP) 非屏蔽双绞线

coaxial cable 同轴电缆

baseband 基带

broadband 宽带

optical fiber 光纤

Carrier-Sense-Multiple-Access/Collision Detection(C***A/CD) 带有检测冲突的载波侦听多路存取

Token 令牌











C***A/ CD用来控制多路存取网络网络上的每个站点在试图发送信息前先“侦听”,等待通路空闲。如果两个站点在同一时刻要发送信息,将会检测到冲突,这两个站点必须各自“后退”一步,以后再重试。


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